Database Marketing Services

The Four Principal Direct Marketing Response Predictors Include:

1- Accurate targeting
2- The product
3- The offer
4- The channel

This page focuses on audience targeting using customer database marketing.

There is no greater response enhancement than the pinpoint targeting available to email and direct mail marketers with their direct marketing database. All direct marketing planning begins and ends with the direct marketing database.

Precision targeting comes from the results of the house-file transaction history.

A well-honed customer database creates a goldmine for knowledgeable clients. It also drives new customer acquisition by enabling the selection of highly responsive external mailing list segments.

DMCG Results

Marketing database Intelligence assures accurate targeting. 

Any worthy direct marketing agency has always been a database marketing agency at its core. B2B and B2C database marketing requires the skillful use of both the house files and external, rented files.

The targeting hypothesis is simply this: Find individuals or companies that resemble your past customers and inquirers and confine your promotion dollars targeting them. If you are targeting your best prospects for new customer acquisition, then learn all you can about your customers and past leads.

Successful direct marketers know how to use their house files to retain existing customers and cost-effectively find like individuals through rented lists.

Customer databases become more useful as they are enriched with external data. It is not uncommon to see internal marketing databases with hundreds of additional pieces of extracted data appended on each record from external databases. This is the first step to creating response models for email database marketing segmentation. 

Know who your customers are and how they respond to your offers for successful email database marketing.

What primary data should you save to your relational database?

1. Initial contact date

2. Customer or inquirer designation

4. Salutation

3. Name and address

5. Lead sourced by channel code, channel, creative, offer

6. Lead source by referral name

7. Lead source by product or service

8. Contact points with dates

9. Contact notes with dates

10.  Sales date for each transaction

11.  Sales volume for each transaction

Tracking such information and inputting it into a computer database creates something more than a flat housefile. It builds a relational database that not only tracks customer demographic information, but transaction history. When properly analyzed, this data drives future direct marketing initiatives.

This means that accurate and complete data saved on the house file allows proper targeting and segmentation.


for a free 30-minute consultation.

Customer Database Marketing Support

Our database marketing services cover all aspects of database base enhancement to response propensity modeling. 

For highly technical assignments such as modeling and database structuring, DMCG subcontracts direct marketing experts for such marketing database services.

For example, our direct marketing firm hires specialized accredited SalesForce technicians to create reports or restructure such a database for clients.

DMCG clients appreciate this level of flexibility that matches the right talent to their specific marketing problems.

We Can Help

DMCG customer database audits minimally include.

1. Review tracking methodologies.

2. Tabulate the customer sales processes.

3. Review business rules associated with the database maintenance.

4. Review the internal use of CRM and reporting as it relates to direct marketing effectiveness. 

5. Describe any areas of concern or gaps in marketing intelligence requirements for a successful and efficient database marketing program.

6. Propose house file enhancement opportunities for more accurate and effective list segmentation.

Database Marketing Audits

DMCG performs customer and email database audits for database segmentation, customer profiling and response analytics as part of your planning process. We focus on best direct response practices that dramatically improve your direct marketing performance. You have the option of implementing our recommendations internally or using DMCG and its strategic partners to implement consultant recommended programs.

“I have known Ted for over 20 years starting back when he was working at Bozell & Jacobs as a direct response account supervisor on our business. I use him now for all of our annual planning or any project that requires isolating and prioritizing all of the options. He makes my job easier and more productive and I recommend him highly to both experienced and inexperienced direct marketers.”