Ted Grigg Ted Grigg

The Customer is the Boss

In her recent book entitled The Definitive Drucker, the author Elizabeth Edersheim says that Peter Drucker, the grandfather of marketing, believed that beyond 1990 business as a whole could no longer rely on the old assumptions.

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Ted Grigg Ted Grigg

Companies Treat Prospects Better Than Their Customers

Today I received a 0% interest on all transfers for the next 12 months from my own bank. I have a small balance that I wanted to transfer from my existing account to a new one if I could get the 0% offer. Ah, but wait. Only new customers can get this deal.

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Ted Grigg Ted Grigg

Direct Marketing Sells by Disrupting

Some of the blog participants believe that branders seek the consumer’s trust above all. Direct marketers, on the other hand, have no such motivation. They are not interested in people, but numbers.

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